The Sanctified
Imagination/Taking Back What's Yours!
by Teresa Dalton
Before I start, I have to explain a few things. I do not by any means
want to glorify the enemy, but we must understand his cunning.
He is not one to waste time or action. Everything he does has a
purpose behind it and that purpose is to make you believe lies
that keep you from a life of simplicity in Christ, full of happiness,
joy, peace, understanding, knowledge, health and wholeness.
He wants you to believe that the things you have already been
freely given are things that are only attained through hard work
and religious ritual. He knows he is defeated, but he, the word says,
was left alive and he is tormented by your destiny because he
can't have it!
I have a question for you and don't lie when you answer it! How
many times have you enjoyed a scary movie, a pornographic
movie, or you may even just be hooked on Disney movies! Do
you know why? They take you to a place that you enjoy. They take
you away from maybe an otherwise mundane life and give you
adventures you wouldn't have otherwise. The enemy understands
how you are made and how your mind works to bring things alive
in your spirit. That is why he so elaborately counterfeits the use
of your imagination.
Jesus taught in parables, not only so that the unbelieving would
not get it, but so that your mind would have a picture that would
bring understanding you otherwise could not grasp, or maybe
it would just take you longer to grasp it.
Jesus is the maker of your imagination. He created sex...AAHHH...
did I say that? Yes, everything that is good, He made it for His
creation to use and enjoy! You yourself were His dream from
His imagination! After becoming a believer, there are many religious
teachings out there that want you to believe that there are things in
this world that are taboo to you now, because they are bad. Do you
understand that the devil's creativity is no more? He can only imitate
and corrupt what is good and he is very good at that. He can even
make things that look good to us as believers continue to look good
to us to keep us in the error of our ways! An example of that would
be a lot of the religious things we stay stuck doing for so long in the
name of judging people and deciding certain people are
not worth your prayers, much less your time or attention because
of sins you see in their lives. You received your salvation by grace,
but you want everyone else to work for theirs! Thank you Lord that
greater are YOU in me, than he who is in the world!
Back to my salvation you were not made over again or
fixed, you were made NEW. You, at that time, received the mind of
Christ, also. He now lives in you and will NEVER leave you or forsake
you! Do you really believe that? I think many are afraid to believe it
because you can't believe it and stay the that comfortable
place where you'll never venture out of for fear of being embarrassed
or made fun of, or maybe even rejected by those who don't understand
what they see you doing.
Many, many believers have the Holy Spirit enslaved inside of them.
They keep Him as a hidden treasure...they keep Him in one little room
in the temple of their body and never talk to Him, never acknowledge
Him, never do anything but maybe once in awhile tell Him they love Him
and sing Him a song, but He is kept as a love slave, safely tucked away
where they don't have to pay attention to Him...but they take comfort in
the fact that He is there. Oh, and if they need something, they will
occasionally go ask Him for it.
I want to now turn this from the negative to the the glorious!
You are a NEW creation, you have GOD living inside you FOREVER, you
have the MIND OF CHRIST, you are seated in the heavenlies with Him
already according to the Bible, and you have all things that pertain to life
and godliness. I want you to KNOW that God wants to LIVE with/in YOU...
He has amazing things to SHOW you, right NOW! I am just beginning to
understand this myself, so bear with me as I share what I now see.
In my ministry school the other night we listened to Bill Johnson's
secretary, Judy Franklin, teach on encountering God's love. She is so
easy to listen real and can't help but be drawn into
all that she is saying and hang on every word. She mentioned that it had
been spoken over her that she would have 3rd Heaven experiences.
She explained that when she had her first one, she realized she had
been having this all along...she was in a familiar place and she told God,
"I've been here before!" He said, "I know." When I heard that I got SO
excited, because I understood that I, too, have been there before!
I'll try to explain that now.
Many of you have had dreams and some even have had visions. Where
did they take place? In your your mind, your thoughts...your
imagination! Imagination is the act or power of forming a mental image
of something not present to the senses, or never before wholly perceived
in reality. It also means creative ability. Do you remember when you first
heard a parable of Jesus? You understood it because of the picture He had
just painted in your mind. Those movies you may have been hooked on,,,
Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Chronicles of Narnia...some maybe good,
some possibly very bad. You were drawn to them because of the places
they took you...the thrill, the adventure!
I want you to know that the God who created EVERYTHING by His WORDS,
and holds it all together by the same, wants you to let Him out of the closet!
He wants you to come away with Him on an adventure meant only personally
for you! He wants you to SEE what "being seated in heavenly places in Christ
Jesus" means! He wants to love on you in such a real way that you feel His
hugs, his kisses, and you dance with Him!
I have written, in my journaling, of a time many years ago when my husband
and I had had a fight before bedtime. I fell asleep in tears, feeling so alone and
so lost. Sometime in the night I found myself on a beach, I was held in the arms
of the most amazing man. I could feel His love permeate my entire being! He was
SO gentle and He truly KNEW who I was (Remember, "I SEE YOU" from the Avatar
movie? That was it!). I felt so at home in His arms and the FEELING...the
feeling was better than ANY romantic time you've ever had with your spouse...(sorry
if that thought offends anyone...just being real). We danced and twirled and the
waves of the sea danced with us. I remember the waves swirling around was
all blue and white and frothy...and not scary at all...just natural it seemed, creation
dancing with us. We were both dressed in white flowing clothes that moved with our
dance. I remember waking up and the FEELING was still there! I went back to sleep
and for the first time ever I actually went right back into the dream. He was still there!
I have revisited that place in my mind many times over the years and it always
comforts me.
I am going to offend some people now. I now realize that He came and got me
and took me to a place where He could show me how much He loved me no matter
what was happening here in the world. I believe that place is as real as what I
can see and touch here. I believe that as important as it is for me to remember
and be comforted by His written Word, that my experiences with His living Word,
His Son, are just as important. I believe that we don't have to wait to experience
Him or Heaven. I believe that when I live from there, everything else is under my
feet and I cannot fail or fall, no matter what it looks like here. I believe that what
happens in Heaven and around me that I can't see with my eyes, is more real
than what I see here and is forever, for eternity!
If you have ever heard my testimony of my speaking in tongues experience, you
know that God gave me a word in Turkish on a scroll in a dream/vision. It was
"goo loom". On the treasure hunt that He took me on, I found that it
was the Turkish word Gulum...with two dots over each "u" that I'm not sure how
to type out in this Wordpad program. It is pronounced as if the "u's" are long as
in the word "united". I found someone who spoke Turkish and asked what it meant. It is a
term of endearment as when you call someone "sweetie, honey, or my flower/rose".
God loves me so much that He calls me that. He gave me that in a time of turmoil,
because He is fun and He is love, and He wants so much for me to KNOW it.
I tell you that YOU, my friend, are as special to God as anyone else is. There
is love that He has for YOU that He has for no one else, because He is THAT BIG!
If you don't believe it, you have made the enemy of your soul bigger than God and
you need to STOP IT!
When Judy Franklin said what I mentioned before about finding that she had already
been to the 3rd Heaven with Jesus, all of my past dreams came alive for me again,
and as much as I believed they were Him before, something was cut off of me that
made them even more precious to me! Not only that, but I know that I can go there
whenever I want and He is right there waiting for me! I know that He will also come
and get me to take me on adventures!
RECLAIM what the enemy has taken from you! You have a sanctified
imagination. You have a special way of seeing/hearing that you have shut off out
of fear. You know how strong a force it is in the hands of the enemy...TAKE IT BACK!!
I have to tell you that after hearing Judy speak that night and going through the
exercise she walks you through, I just wanted to stay I did...and I was
speaking words of love to Him and He was twirling me around (I am most always a
little girl there....come as a little child.) I could feel his clothes against my cheek as
he hugged me! I was so enamored in His love and all of a sudden He looked at me
and said, "lighten up"! You see I was weeping for joy, but He wanted to laugh with me!
That I did...the most healing, freeing laughter...amazing! He is SO LOVE and SO FUN!
Don't miss out...the invitation is there for you, too, to go and let Him love on you! He
wants your "movie", your "destiny" with Him to start NOW. Don't believe the liar
or the Pharisees who would rob you of this! Remember, "there is no fear in love,
perfect love casts out fear" and His is PERFECT LOVE!
If you want some really good teaching on this, go here:
The MP3 download (2 are included and both are important), is worth a million
bucks to me...just sayin'...LOL.
Love, Joy and Peace!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
I Repent, Lord....
Lord, I repent! Thank you for sight! Thank you that I finally see rightly!
Since 2005 I have had a fire in my heart to be able to pray for people to be
Healed and to see it happen. The following is a little bit of how that came
I was very new in a local church that is Charismatic. (I was from a Baptist background
…all of whom I still love very much!) One day the pastor told
us all to hold hands and pray for the person next to us for healing, or whatever
they needed. The woman next to me showed me her finger and asked me
to pray for the pain to stop and that she be healed. My first thought was,
“Oh Lord, You don’t want ME to pray for HER! Her finger might fall off!”
Obviously at that point, I knew nothing of God’s love and His will that all be
Then one evening that church had a lady come and speak in the evening service.
She taught us that “God Wants You Healed”. She talked about, “You’ve
Already Got It.” She spoke representing the ministry of Andrew Wommack.
I was overcome. I was changed and I couldn’t walk away and believe the
Same as I had. I soon went to an Andrew Wommack conference. I got to
Meet Andrew and he was so nice. I had been reading his books and
Listening to his teaching online. I could never go back to my old way of
In the mean time, I had joined the prayer team at my church. I was so
Nervous! I got several opportunities to pray for people for healing and
Several actually said they were healed. I was amazed. I would ask God
for a word for someone and MOST OF THE TIME He said “I just want
you to tell them that I love them with an everlasting love.” I was obedient,
but I was not feeling that I was doing enough. Over and over I went
forward and gave that word to so many…still feeling like it wasn’t enough.
I want more, Lord.
You see, I had LOTS of knowledge, LOTS of teaching which included an
almost 2 year long Bible Study with the woman who taught from A.W.'s
ministry...what I needed was a revelation! A revelation of God's amazing
LOVE for ALL MANKIND! I knew Jesus loves us, but I didn't REALLY understand
all that that meant! I knew of His GRACE, but then thought there was some
special THING that if I just KNEW WHAT IT WAS, there would be success!
What I repent of is, “not feeling like telling them God loves them with
An everlasting love was enough.” That is everything! It’s never ME doing
Anything…it’s ALWAYS His LOVE and that is ALWAYS enough!
There is no magic formula, there is only God’s love flowing through us.
The results are not my responsibility, but being a willing, open vessel for Him
to flow through is. It is His grace and His love and His power that comes
forth and does the work of healing. I will also not be offended or take up
the burden for healing that does not manifest. I will continue to go and
to pray and to rejoice in His work!
Lord, thank You for forgiveness, for mercy and grace, for all that You are
And do! Thank you for freedom from striving on our part and that it is ALL
YOU, Lord! We love You, because You first loved us, and You are my
All in all! I will pray for the sick to receive their healing and watch You do it,
Lord! I love You!
I agree with Chris Gore when he says, “We must redefine success. You are
a success when You step out and give away what God has given to you! We
serve a good God, Who is in a good mood, and His will is to heal every person!”
Thank You Lord! More Lord, more!
Since 2005 I have had a fire in my heart to be able to pray for people to be
Healed and to see it happen. The following is a little bit of how that came
I was very new in a local church that is Charismatic. (I was from a Baptist background
…all of whom I still love very much!) One day the pastor told
us all to hold hands and pray for the person next to us for healing, or whatever
they needed. The woman next to me showed me her finger and asked me
to pray for the pain to stop and that she be healed. My first thought was,
“Oh Lord, You don’t want ME to pray for HER! Her finger might fall off!”
Obviously at that point, I knew nothing of God’s love and His will that all be
Then one evening that church had a lady come and speak in the evening service.
She taught us that “God Wants You Healed”. She talked about, “You’ve
Already Got It.” She spoke representing the ministry of Andrew Wommack.
I was overcome. I was changed and I couldn’t walk away and believe the
Same as I had. I soon went to an Andrew Wommack conference. I got to
Meet Andrew and he was so nice. I had been reading his books and
Listening to his teaching online. I could never go back to my old way of
In the mean time, I had joined the prayer team at my church. I was so
Nervous! I got several opportunities to pray for people for healing and
Several actually said they were healed. I was amazed. I would ask God
for a word for someone and MOST OF THE TIME He said “I just want
you to tell them that I love them with an everlasting love.” I was obedient,
but I was not feeling that I was doing enough. Over and over I went
forward and gave that word to so many…still feeling like it wasn’t enough.
I want more, Lord.
You see, I had LOTS of knowledge, LOTS of teaching which included an
almost 2 year long Bible Study with the woman who taught from A.W.'s
ministry...what I needed was a revelation! A revelation of God's amazing
LOVE for ALL MANKIND! I knew Jesus loves us, but I didn't REALLY understand
all that that meant! I knew of His GRACE, but then thought there was some
special THING that if I just KNEW WHAT IT WAS, there would be success!
What I repent of is, “not feeling like telling them God loves them with
An everlasting love was enough.” That is everything! It’s never ME doing
Anything…it’s ALWAYS His LOVE and that is ALWAYS enough!
There is no magic formula, there is only God’s love flowing through us.
The results are not my responsibility, but being a willing, open vessel for Him
to flow through is. It is His grace and His love and His power that comes
forth and does the work of healing. I will also not be offended or take up
the burden for healing that does not manifest. I will continue to go and
to pray and to rejoice in His work!
Lord, thank You for forgiveness, for mercy and grace, for all that You are
And do! Thank you for freedom from striving on our part and that it is ALL
YOU, Lord! We love You, because You first loved us, and You are my
All in all! I will pray for the sick to receive their healing and watch You do it,
Lord! I love You!
I agree with Chris Gore when he says, “We must redefine success. You are
a success when You step out and give away what God has given to you! We
serve a good God, Who is in a good mood, and His will is to heal every person!”
Thank You Lord! More Lord, more!
Friday, October 22, 2010
The Church by A.W.Tozer
"Without doubt the most important body on earth is the Church of God which He purchased with His own Blood.Unfortunately the word "church" has taken on meanings which it did not originally have and has suffered untold injury in the house both of its enemies and of its friends.The meaning of the word for the true Christian was fixed by our Lord and His apostles. What they meant by it is what we must mean by it; and no man nor angel has authority to change it.The simple etymological meaning is easy to discover, but its larger significance must be learned from the New Testament Scriptures. All that is meant by that wondrous word cannot be stated in one sentence, nor in one paragraph, nor scarcely in one book.The universal Church is the body of Christ, the bride of the Lamb, the habitation of God through the Spirit, the pillar and ground of the truth.The local church is a community of ransomed men, a minority group, a colony of heavenly souls dwelling apart on the earth, a division of soldiers on a foreign soil, a band of reapers, working under the direction of the Lord of the harvest, a flock of sheep following the Good Shepherd, a brotherhood of like-minded men, a visible representative of the Invisible God....A true church is something supernatural and divine, and is in direct lineal descent from that first church at Jerusalem. Insofar as it's a church it's spiritual; its social aspect is secondary and may be imitated by any group regardless of its religious qualities or lack of them. The spiritual essence of a true church cannot be reproduced anywhere but in a company of renewed and inwardly united believers.The Christian life begins with the individual; a soul has a saving encounter with God and the new life is born...Once the "great transaction's done" the communion of believers will be found to be the best environment for the new life. Men are made for each other, and this is never more apparent than in the Church.All else being equal, the individual Christian will find in the communion of a local church the most perfect atmosphere for the fullest development of his spiritual life. There also he'll find the best arena for the largest exercise of those gifts and powers which God may have endowed him.The religious solitary may gain on a few points, and he may escape some of the irritations of the crowd, but he is half-man, nevertheless, and worse, he is a half-Christian. Every solitary experience, if we would realize its beneficial effects, should be followed immediately by a return to our own company. There will be found the faith of Christ in its most perfect present manifestation.But one thing must be kept in mind; these things are true only where the local church is a church indeed, where the communion of saints is more than a phrase from the Creed but is realized and practiced in faith and love. Those religio-social institutions, with which we are all too familiar, where worship is a form, the sermon an essay and the prayer an embarrassed address to someone who isn't there, certainly do not qualify as churches under any scriptural terms with which we are acquainted.The elements of a true church are few and easy to possess. They are a company of believers, the Lord, the Holy Spirit and the Word of the living God. Let the Lord be worshiped, the Spirit be obeyed, the Word be expounded and followed as the only rule for faith and conduct, and the power of God will begin to show itself...The church will produce a spiritual culture all its own, wholly unlike anything created by the mind of man and superior to any culture known on earth, ancient or modern. God is getting His people ready for another world, and He uses the local church as a workshop in which to carry on His blessed work.That Christian is a happy one who has found a company of true believers in whose fellowship he can live and love and labor. And nothing else on earth should be as dear to him nor command from him such a degree of loyalty and devotion."
Sunday, October 17, 2010
This Romance
Today I was praying and I told God, "Thank You for loving me when I was unlovely." He corrected me saying, "You have NEVER been unlovely to me!
As I meditate on this, I wonder, do we even understand this ROMANCE we are in? Do you understand that there is a truth held in tension that says, "When you seek Me you will find Me.", but the greater truth is that "He finds us, He pursues us!"
Psalm 23:6 Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all he days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
Surely: When you see this word it means for you to pay special attention to the following truth. It is an affirmation of the truth, the certainty of the words to follow.
Follow/Pursue: The word follow here means to "pursue", to eagerly track down, to hunt someone with relentless abandon, to chase, to run after. It is intense and passionate. It is not done half-heartedly, but with boundless energy and compassion.
What is pursuing us like this? God's GOODNESS AND UNFAILING LOVE!
Even on your worst day He was hunting you down to show you His great love and care for you! Even on your best day, when your heart strays from Him...He is chasing you down with MORE LOVE, MORE KINDNESS!
Do you know that in Hebrew the word SHALOM is roughly translated as ROMANCE? Shalom is the wholeness of God, it is His EVERYTHING, His completeness...there is nothing more to be had and He has given it all to US because of His amazing love!
You are His bride! He says, "Come away with me! Come into my presence...let me love on you! He SO LOVED YOU...He GAVE the ultimate for you. Even when you were unlovely, you were lovely to Him!
Love and Joy,
As I meditate on this, I wonder, do we even understand this ROMANCE we are in? Do you understand that there is a truth held in tension that says, "When you seek Me you will find Me.", but the greater truth is that "He finds us, He pursues us!"
Psalm 23:6 Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all he days of my life. And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."
Surely: When you see this word it means for you to pay special attention to the following truth. It is an affirmation of the truth, the certainty of the words to follow.
Follow/Pursue: The word follow here means to "pursue", to eagerly track down, to hunt someone with relentless abandon, to chase, to run after. It is intense and passionate. It is not done half-heartedly, but with boundless energy and compassion.
What is pursuing us like this? God's GOODNESS AND UNFAILING LOVE!
Even on your worst day He was hunting you down to show you His great love and care for you! Even on your best day, when your heart strays from Him...He is chasing you down with MORE LOVE, MORE KINDNESS!
Do you know that in Hebrew the word SHALOM is roughly translated as ROMANCE? Shalom is the wholeness of God, it is His EVERYTHING, His completeness...there is nothing more to be had and He has given it all to US because of His amazing love!
You are His bride! He says, "Come away with me! Come into my presence...let me love on you! He SO LOVED YOU...He GAVE the ultimate for you. Even when you were unlovely, you were lovely to Him!
Love and Joy,
Friday, October 15, 2010
Decisions that Define Us by Graham Cooke
We have decided that teaching the Gospel
without demonstrating the Gospel is not enough.
Good preaching, good doctrine, being good people, is not enough.
We've decided that having a good church club is not enough.
Good fellowship is not enough, and just being a member of that club
is not enough.
We've decided that having good Bible studies is good, but not good enough...
that just making it to Heaven is not our goal, and that knowing about God
without truly knowing and experiencing God is meaningless.
We've decided that having good programs is not enough...
that change without transformation is intolerable and that staying the same is not an option.
We've decided that gifting without character is futile.
We've decided that singing songs without worshipping is hollow and
having meetings without God showing up is pointless.
We've decided that having faith without works is not enough and
having works without love is not acceptable, that our function comes out of our relationship,
first with the Father and second with each other.
We have decided that reading the book of Acts without living the book of Acts in unthinkable.
We've decided that confident faith is good, bold faith is better.
We've decided that hearing about the Holy Spirit without experiencing Him is silly...
that believing in His presence without seeing it manifested in signs and wonders is hypocrisy...
that believing in healing without seeing people healed is absurd and
that believing in deliverance without people being delivered is absolutely ridiculous.
We've decided to be Holy Spirit filled, Holy Spirit led and Holy Spirit empowered...
anything less doesn't work for us.
We have decided to be the ones telling the stories of God's power,
not the ones hearing about them.
We have decided that living saved, but not supernatural is living below our priviledge
and short of what Christ died for.
We have decided that we're a battleship not a cruise ship, an army not an audience,
special forces not spectators, missionaries not club members.
We have decided to value both pioneers and settlers...pioneers to expand our territory
and settlers to build on those territories, but we are not squatters...people who take up
space others have fought for without improving it.
We have decided to be infectious instead of innocuous, contagious instead of
quarantined, deadly instead of benign.
We have decided to be radical lovers and outrageous givers.
We have decided that we are a mission station not a museum.
Therefore we honor the past, but we don't live in it.
We live in the present with our eyes on the future.
We see past events, successes and failures as stepping stones, not stop signs.
We pursue learning in order to be transformed, not learning in order to know.
We are people of engagement, not observation.
We focus on what could be, not on what is or has been.
We are not limited to the four walls of this building.
Our influence is not restricted by location...
Not even the nations are out of bounds.
We are more concerned about how many we send out into the world
than how many we convince to come into the building.
This building is meant to be filled and it will be,
but it will not be the measure of who we are or the measure of our effectiveness.
We raise up world changers not tour guides.
We train commandos not committees.
We are a people of our destiny not our history.
We have decided that it is better to fail while reaching for the impossible that God has planned for us
than succeed in settling for less.
We have decided that nothing short of His Kingdom come and His will be done in our world as it is in Heaven
will satisfy.
We have decided that we will not be satisfied until our world freaks out and cries out...
those who have turned the world upside down have come here too.
These are some of the decisions that define who we are as a community and how we live our lives.
These decisions are not destinations, but rather journeys.
Journeys along an ancient path.
We've not found some new way, but rather rediscovered the path as old as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...
the same path followed by Moses, Joshua and Caleb, Paul, John and Peter...
the path followed by the first century church...a church that revolutionized the culture
of the first century and beyond.
It's a path that will impact the world we live in today.
It's a path of bold faith, believing that what God says is really true and acting on it.
It is a path of outrageous generosity, giving our life away in order to demonstrate His Kingdom.
It's a path of radical love...loving God with everything in us and our neighbor as ourselves...
It's a path of liberty, freedom and healing.
On this path you will find significance, purpose and destiny.
It's a path less traveled, however.
It's not a path only available to a select few, but to whosoever will may come.
It's for people of every nation, tribe and tongue, for those in any occupation or vocation.
No matter where you are in your life journey there is room on this path for you.
without demonstrating the Gospel is not enough.
Good preaching, good doctrine, being good people, is not enough.
We've decided that having a good church club is not enough.
Good fellowship is not enough, and just being a member of that club
is not enough.
We've decided that having good Bible studies is good, but not good enough...
that just making it to Heaven is not our goal, and that knowing about God
without truly knowing and experiencing God is meaningless.
We've decided that having good programs is not enough...
that change without transformation is intolerable and that staying the same is not an option.
We've decided that gifting without character is futile.
We've decided that singing songs without worshipping is hollow and
having meetings without God showing up is pointless.
We've decided that having faith without works is not enough and
having works without love is not acceptable, that our function comes out of our relationship,
first with the Father and second with each other.
We have decided that reading the book of Acts without living the book of Acts in unthinkable.
We've decided that confident faith is good, bold faith is better.
We've decided that hearing about the Holy Spirit without experiencing Him is silly...
that believing in His presence without seeing it manifested in signs and wonders is hypocrisy...
that believing in healing without seeing people healed is absurd and
that believing in deliverance without people being delivered is absolutely ridiculous.
We've decided to be Holy Spirit filled, Holy Spirit led and Holy Spirit empowered...
anything less doesn't work for us.
We have decided to be the ones telling the stories of God's power,
not the ones hearing about them.
We have decided that living saved, but not supernatural is living below our priviledge
and short of what Christ died for.
We have decided that we're a battleship not a cruise ship, an army not an audience,
special forces not spectators, missionaries not club members.
We have decided to value both pioneers and settlers...pioneers to expand our territory
and settlers to build on those territories, but we are not squatters...people who take up
space others have fought for without improving it.
We have decided to be infectious instead of innocuous, contagious instead of
quarantined, deadly instead of benign.
We have decided to be radical lovers and outrageous givers.
We have decided that we are a mission station not a museum.
Therefore we honor the past, but we don't live in it.
We live in the present with our eyes on the future.
We see past events, successes and failures as stepping stones, not stop signs.
We pursue learning in order to be transformed, not learning in order to know.
We are people of engagement, not observation.
We focus on what could be, not on what is or has been.
We are not limited to the four walls of this building.
Our influence is not restricted by location...
Not even the nations are out of bounds.
We are more concerned about how many we send out into the world
than how many we convince to come into the building.
This building is meant to be filled and it will be,
but it will not be the measure of who we are or the measure of our effectiveness.
We raise up world changers not tour guides.
We train commandos not committees.
We are a people of our destiny not our history.
We have decided that it is better to fail while reaching for the impossible that God has planned for us
than succeed in settling for less.
We have decided that nothing short of His Kingdom come and His will be done in our world as it is in Heaven
will satisfy.
We have decided that we will not be satisfied until our world freaks out and cries out...
those who have turned the world upside down have come here too.
These are some of the decisions that define who we are as a community and how we live our lives.
These decisions are not destinations, but rather journeys.
Journeys along an ancient path.
We've not found some new way, but rather rediscovered the path as old as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob...
the same path followed by Moses, Joshua and Caleb, Paul, John and Peter...
the path followed by the first century church...a church that revolutionized the culture
of the first century and beyond.
It's a path that will impact the world we live in today.
It's a path of bold faith, believing that what God says is really true and acting on it.
It is a path of outrageous generosity, giving our life away in order to demonstrate His Kingdom.
It's a path of radical love...loving God with everything in us and our neighbor as ourselves...
It's a path of liberty, freedom and healing.
On this path you will find significance, purpose and destiny.
It's a path less traveled, however.
It's not a path only available to a select few, but to whosoever will may come.
It's for people of every nation, tribe and tongue, for those in any occupation or vocation.
No matter where you are in your life journey there is room on this path for you.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Why Turkish?

As I grow in the Lord, and understand more and more of His character and
what He thinks of me, I can no longer just simply accept what He gives me
and put it in a treasure box to keep as only mine. I now find that more
often than not what He gives me is prophetic and speaks far into the future,
not only for me, but for any He puts in my path as I go. Because of this,
I have in the past couple of weeks been wondering why He would speak to me in Turkish...teach me a special Turkish word and call me that. If you do not
know what I'm talking about...or should I say if you have not been blessed
by my babblings of things God has done for me, given me or shown me...several
years ago in a time of great questioning about my faith, my marriage, and so
on, I told God that I wanted to know Him more and that I wanted all He has
for me and want to do all that He wants to do through me. I went to sleep
and He gave me a dream/vision of a scroll with "goo loom" written on it. After prayer and some know I had to Google it...I found that He
had given me the pronunciation of the word Gulum. Back then Google was not
nearly as good at translating and though I got hundreds of hits on Google, I could not find the meaning of the word.
I finally found a record album by Yildiz Tilbe and she is Turkish. I
knew that there are Turkish restaraunts and bakeries in the U.S., so I
found one in Chesapeake, VA and called them. They giggled when I asked
about the word and then told me it is a term of endearment and that some
even name their children this. It means sweetheart, honey, rose...and
now I learn from my new friend who is originally from Iran and now living in Australia, that in Farsi it also means my flower...gul = flower and gulum = my flower.
That was a major turning point for me in truly understanding how my
heavenly Father thinks of me. I was in awe (from the floor of course!).
I wanted to know more about Turkey and I have never been an avid reader of
history, geography or any of that...but that seems to be changing as I find it fascinating with my new found "word". Below is something I found on the www this a.m. about Turkey. Many of you Bible scholars probably already knew this,
but humor me! LOL!
In the Bible and History
Turkey holds a place in Christian history right along side of
Israel/Palestine. Not only did events in the Bible take place here,
but it is the site of the early church centered on the Byzantine Empire.
Anatolia is mentioned in the Bible through the Hittites, a formidable
militant culture. The area was part of the Roman Empire at the time
Jesus was born.
Many cities in this area were represented at Pentecost (Acts 2),
which means the Hebrew religion had spread at least this far and
Paul's journeys took him through what is now Turkey several times.
The seven churches of Revelation are located in this area. When
Constantine split the Eastern and Western parts of his Empire, the
Eastern capitol was placed in Byzantium and called Constantinople
(It is known today as Istanbul).
Look at a map and note the familiar Biblical names of Harran where
Abraham lived; Mt. Ararat where Noah's boat landed; Antioch where
the believers were first called Christians; Ephesus where a significant
church was founded and where Paul's presence caused a riot; Tarsus where
Paul was born; Cappadocia where early Christian fled when persecuted;
and Myra where St. Nicholas was born. The early Ecumenical Councils
took place in this area and are known by the cities in which they were
convened. We hear of the Council of Ephesus, Council of Nicaea (Iznik)
the Council of Constantinople and the 451 Council of Chalcedon that
caused the great scism in the church. Even after Islam came to the area,
Christians remained in large numbers for centuries and it was from Turkey
that the Russians were converted to Orthodox Christianity.
Christianity Today
Today's Turkey is a secular state with clear limitations on religion
and religious institutions. Churches are allowed to sponsor lower
schools but not college or graduate education. Members of all
religious groups are prohibited from wearing religious garb in
public but Bibles are published and sold without restriction.
Istanbul is still the home of the Ecumenical Patriarch of the
Orthodox Church and an Armenian Patriarch. The Christian community
is less than 1% of the total population and includes Armenian
Orthodox and Syriac Orthodox, as well as the predominant Greek
Orthodox, all greatly reduced in number from the 19th century.
There are also a few Catholic and Protestant parishes.
In the southeastern parts of Turkey the remains of very old
Syriac churches are still present along with Syriac villages but
it is considered too dangerous to go there because of Kurdish
resistence groups. Mardin's Mar Gabriel Monastery is the most
famous and is still active today.
Special Sites to Visit
Ephesus (Ephes)This is an unusually well preserved Roman city
that was the site of an early Christian church. It was here
that Paul challenged the craftsmen who produced images of the
goddess Artemis,by preaching Christianity. The amphitheater
where this happened is still in good condition along with the
library and temples. Cappadocia (Goreme)Cappadocia is a region
where early Christians took refuge from Roman persecution. It
is dotted with natural volcanic rock formations that were carved
into homes, chapels and huts for hermits. Religious cave
paintings are still visible inside some of the cones known as fairy
Istanbul (formerly Constantinople and Byzantium)This city is simply
full of religious monuments and history and ought to be explored
primarily on foot.
Hagia Sophia Museum was built by Constantine the Great as a church,
and reconstructed by Justinian in the 6th century. For 1000 years
it was the largest church in the Christian world and is still is
overwhelming today. In 1453 when the Turks conquered Istanbul the
basilica was turned into a mosque, minarets were built and the mosaics
were covered over. In the 1930s Ataturk converted it to a museum as
a part of his secularization of the country.
Fascinating cities full of ruins are found all over the country but
even those with familiar names from the Bible have only a few notable
sites within them.
Okay, so this morning, Sid Roth has this guy on his show talking
about the middle east and end-time prophecy. I get ready to
change the channel, because I truly do not like to hear about all
of that at this point. I'm not denying it all...I'm just in a
different place with it all than I ever used to be and refuse to
be freaked out by some of the things taught in "other than victorious"
eschatological teaching. But then he starts to talk about Turkey.
I listened and found it interesting, but if you want to hear that,
you'll have to tune in sometime this week to It's Supernatural.
THEN, Martha Stewart is showing video of her recent trip to Turkey
and her hot air balloon ride over Cappadocia and I'm sitting on the
couch crying like a baby! What's that about? It was like I SO wanted to
GO THERE and was possibly even homesick for a place I've never been.
How weird is that?
I have always been amazed that the "cradle of civilization" is in
Iraq, and have often thought about and prayed for the middle east as a whole, especially for the peace of Jerusalem....then God speaks to me in Turkish.
I can't wait to know more and to SEE where God is going with this!
All I know is I LOVE HIM and that's all I need to know. I can trust
whatever He is doing and rest in the joy of the knowing and experiencing
His overwhelming love for me AND YOU! More Lord!
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