Friday, November 11, 2011

Hide and Seek with Daddy!!!

Our God loves us SO much! He made us for relationship. He tells us that our job is to "believe" and to "seek". Seek first the Kingdom of God...and it is His good pleasure to give you the Kingdom. The Bible, in Proverbs 25:2, also tells us "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the glory of kings is to search it out." As concerning spiritual gifts such as tongues, words of knowledge and wisdom, prophecy, etc. and as concerning miracles, healing, dreams, visions and so have to know that God's nature is to delight in revealing all of His secrets, mysteries and revelations to us, but only as we participate...believe, seek, inquire...and then testify of His awesomeness so that others are edified and encouraged in their own seeking and finding. It's like a giant Easter egg hunt! He hides all of the eggs...we find them...and JOY explodes in the finding for Him and for us! You see they were not hidden "from us", but "for us"! If you have trouble with believing...tell Him! He is a good Daddy and He'll show you! This magical, mystical, wonderful thing never ends! There are secrets and revelations enough for eternity, because that's how BIG our God is! Taste and see that the Lord is GOOD! Participate in LIFE! BELIEVE, SEEK, FIND, SHOUT IT TO THE WORLD and EN-JOY! He LOVES it when we do!! Don't be the little kid pouting in the corner saying, "That's just dumb, that looks stupid, and I don't want to play!" Daddy beckons you...COME!

Joy ABUNDANT and blessings forever,

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