Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A gift for away what God gave to me!

After our amazing weekend, I have been quite restless in my spirit....excited, but restless. I experienced more powerfully some things that I had only barely tasted of before. Impartation of the glory of God. I have experienced God in other ways (tongues, dreams, visions, but I did not understand (and still don't fully) the baptism with fire, the glory and the importance of impartation. Well, I was left after the few experiences I have had since my arrival to Shiloh in May, with the thought, WOW...this is AMAZING...WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS? It's like somebody just gave you a million bucks, do I stick it in my pocket and just go home or what? Well, today, I was praying and then I started to read in When Heaven Invades daily quota of pages to make the goal you know. I am finishing chapter 9...ooohhh...about 1/2 done! Well, I go back to read some of the things I had underlined in previous chapters and they seemed foreign to me, like I had never read them before. Then I read, "Because my focus was still on me, there was little victory I actually could trace back to my prayers." Hmmmm. Then I flipped the page and read, "He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit AND FIRE." Well, I know I had been baptized in the Holy Spirit, but until recently I had never experienced the FIRE part...the burning. It was freely available, but I was not giving it place in my life due to lack of UNDER STANDING. The next page says, "He'll give us His baptism of fire if we'll give Him something worth burning." When I read that, it was like seeing it for the very first time in spite of all the highlighter marks on the page! The Holy Spirit filled me UP AND SLAMMED me with His presence! I got so drunk all I could do is cry, do something I can only describe as posturing (kind of a weird contracting and releasing of the muscles in my whole body, but especially the shoulders and midsection), pray mixed with laughing and BURN (hands and chest). I was wrecked and it was amazing! Thank You Holy Spirit! I know I am just beginning in this, but the step of faith for impartation has been taken. God will not give us what we don't want or what we won't give away once we have it. Now I have whole new sight once it's back to page ONE of the book! My encouragement to you is to not let studying become just something you do to get it done, but invite the Holy Spirit, our resident truth teacher to shine on every word and get it into your spirit! Peace and joy! Teresa

1 comment:

  1. God Bless You For Sharing! Well Said Indeed!!!
