The Retreat, the Prayer Furnace and church (They all seemed to flow together to make an amazing week! This may seem like a conglomeration of stuff...but to me they were all interconnected making up my personal experience.) August 27, 28 and 29, 2010.
Friday evening, right off, I got a folder that had 3 amazing prophecies
for my life in it! What a way to start a retreat!
One of the first activities that we did on Saturday was an ice breaker
type thing where you tossed a cube to someone else in the circle and
called out a number. Then the person catching it had to read what
was written on that number on the cube. They were funny, like acting
out your fav Bible verse, make up a rap about 3 things you are thankful
for and perform it...then when it got to me it said, "Tell a lie that the
devil has spoken to you and acknowledge it as such and then laugh at
the devil and the lie!" I said that the lie the enemy had tried to convince
me of in the past month is that I have no friends. Let me tell felt
so good to share that and to laugh and laugh with my "new friends" about
what a lie that is!! (Just let me also say here that my "new, as well as my old and precious friends" have been showing up all around to love on me and let me know they
care about me...they are amazing!)
Saturday Pastor Bill gave impartation of the glory that was flowing and there are no
words to describe it! Lifechanging is all I can say!
The Lord had given me this word during the showing of Furious Love
Saturday afternoon: "You so easily say that a lot of things tried to
keep you from coming to school here. It matters that you understand the
war and how far the enemy will go to keep the Kingdom from advancing!
He will attempt to destroy your life, your family, your reputation, and
your circle of support and comfort. Be assured that I have already
overcome and you are victorious in Me! I will restore whatever has been
stolen by the enemy! You have nothing to fear in the losses you think
you are suffering! It is a lie from the LIAR. In this battle know that
you are not alone and you are gaining EVERYTHING! The enemy is
defeated and is no threat to the Kingdom!"
Then on the way to church Sunday a.m. I was listening to amazing
music and praying and by the time I got to church and the prayer furnace
I was ready to hear from Daddy! The music in the prayer room was
quite a bit louder than usual and it was different. To me it was "happy"
and "adventurous".
I wrote "Lord, You have so filled me with Your peace and love today!
I feel free like a child. I feel like I could run and jump and chase butterflies!
I love You Lord! Thank You for the refreshing and refilling of Your Holy Spirit!
I am listening, Lord!"
I settled in and prayed for a bit, then started sensing pure joy and love,
happiness filling me up! I said, "I am still listening.", then I
sensed God say, "I'm playing!...come and play!" I finally got the message!
It was amazing...all I remember is sensing running and frolicking with my Daddy,
twirling and spinning along a garden path through the flowers!
As amazing as that was, it was equally amazing to hear once again
how He was getting a similar message to others in the prayer room!
Through the words of someone else there, I felt God showing me, "You have
come full circle...I am breaking off all the old junk and setting you free...
Another amazement was how DANCING seemed to be where He was taking
us all, even in the church service this morning! The worship was awesome, the glory
THICK, and when Pastor Bill brought the message...HE CHOSE US FROM THE
he ended up doing "the happy dance" and standing on chairs...more Lord, more!
This was all once again affirmed with a fresh filling and impartation through Nancy
when Pastor Bill asked anyone who wanted prayer to come up after the service. She
said, "What do you want?" I said, "Whatever."...and God was faithful to deliver a LOT
of it! WOW! (And to think I spent such a huge part of my life not believing in such
manifestations of the power of God! That's okay, because God will restore to me
anything I missed in my stupid years! LOL!)
Thank You Lord for an amazing Retreat and church this weekend!
Thanks to all who worked hard to make it all that it was for us!
We need a dorm, cause this needs to be full time! Who wants to go home?
LOL! Not me!
Blessings and peace!
Awesome Reading, thank you for sharing and I am looking forward to reading more of your posts! GOD BLESS!!!