Monday, August 16, 2010

Kingdom 101 (repost from my FB)

Kingdom 101...or the most important message you may ever read!by Teresa Grosz Dalton on Monday, July 12, 2010 at 11:05pm
Did you know that there is no word for "freedom" in the Japanese, Arab and some other cultures? There is a word in those cultures which is "honor". Do you know that in the Jewish culture that if a young woman dishonored her family by having sex outside of marriage she was put to death and that if she wasn't the whole family was put to death by the colony? When you are taught that it is an honor to die for your culture/beliefs, do you know that it makes for a very hard enemy to defeat. When the Japanese pilots were willing to crash their planes into ships to serve their country, they were very hard to fight off. When radical Muslims believe they earn eternity in paradise by strapping on a bomb and blowing it and themselves up in the midst of a crowded restaurant or by flying planes loaded with passengers into buildings, this makes them a terrible foe. I say that to make the point that culture is more powerful than politics.

Heaven is the center of God's power. It is a divine, invisible, supernatural country. God's plan was and is to extend the Kingdom of Heaven from the celestial realm of Heaven, to the terrestrial realm of earth. He wants to extend His glory/His nature from Heaven to earth. All kingdoms expand and this is called colonization.

If you don't understand that mankind was created by God to expand the Kingdom of Heaven to earth and that earth was created to be the territory on which Heaven expands its kingdom, then the Bible and the teachings of Jesus will not make sense to you.

Every colony has a governor or a person who turns the territory into the kingdom he comes from by teaching his/the kingdoms ways to the colonists. The governor of Heaven is the Holy Spirit, the most important person on earth, who was sent to earth to live in us and to teach us to expand the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

So to summarize...Earth was made by God as an extension of Heaven, so that God could colonize earth with Heaven through believers indwelt by His Spirit, His spirit sons in dirt bodies.

The divine assignment of God for mankind is:

1. To establish a colony of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
2. To establish the Kingdom government of Heaven on earth.
3. To colonize earth with Heaven.
4. To make earth a colony of Heaven.
5. To fill the earth with the culture of Heaven.
6. The key to colonization is the governor whose purpose is to make the kingdom manifest in the colony by transforming the people into the culture of the kingdom. The Holy Spirit is with us forever and He is here to transform earth into the culture of Heaven through the colony of humans who submit to His authority.

You can kill our most heinous enemies, but you cannot kill their ideas...their beliefs/teachings/culture by killing them. Their ideas are the ideas of satan, the enemy who lives in and controls them and those ideas will live on in the people submitted to his authority. You can only fight a bad idea with a better idea...the best idea! Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven are God's idea...His plan and He indwells US!

Another problem arises...those now controlled by the enemy, Jesus is in love with! He made all things, all men...satan owns NOTHING! Some say rock n roll is the devil's music...but he does not own music...just as he is illegal in the bodies of those now under his control! We are to be finding the sheep in wolves clothing and searching out the gold in them. They need to know who they really are...who they were destined to be! The saying, "Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!", is just another bad idea that satan would love for us to believe in! We want Jesus to get His FULL reward!

If you believe that the earth is just going to get worse and worse until Jesus comes and grabs you up out of will live a powerless life, basically just waiting to escape the trials of life. The earth is getting better and better as the Kingdom of Heaven advances and we take it into all of the places that we go! Be a part of LIFE and DESTINY! Jesus will come back to the earth...and not even He knows when, so let's get busy with the task at hand...destroying the works of an unemployed cherub...satan!


(Parts of this teaching were taken from "The Power of Kingdom Culture" by Dr. Myles Munroe.)

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