Monday, August 23, 2010

Learn to receive honor, as well as give it. (Myspace transfer from March 21, 2009)

Excerpted from a teaching by Bill Johnson.

If you write a song, write a book, make a beautiful sculpture, cook a meal, or whatever creative thing you do and someone compliments you..."Great song!", "Wonderful book!", and you say, "Oh, it was Jesus!"....NO. If Jesus had sung it/written it/cooked it, it would have been PERFECT! That's religious and it's false humility. You need to learn not only to give honor, but to receive honor. You are made in His image and He is fine with you receiving thanks and honor for something you have created because of Him.

Even unbelievers can write great, beautiful songs, or build wonderful buildings, etc...because they are also made in the image of God. Their creativity cannot possibly come from the devil! The devil is NOT creative! He can only distort something that is already created.

If you receive honor from someone, say, "Thank you, that means a lot to me!" Then when you are on your face before God later, take it out and show it to Him and thank Him that you were allowed to receive honor. Then you give it to Him as an offering...a crown at His feet! To do otherwise is "religious" junk!

Hope that blessed you as much as it did me!

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